Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis Library
What EAL® Projects are found in this Foods section?
Additionally, when other Evidence Analysis projects include topics about particular foods, the information is cross-linked to this section. Where can I find additional evidence analysis topics on the EAL®? To see if a topic is on the EAL®, check the A-Z Index Tab or use the Search Feature on the top right hand side of the page. |
Evidence analysis projects found in other sections on the EAL®:
EAL Section: Diseases & Conditions
- More than 20 projects can be found in the Nutrition Diseases & Conditions section including Celiac Disease, Diabetes, and Weight Management. Click here to see the complete list.
EAL Section: Nutrients
- Dietary Fatty Acids evidence analysis project
- Fiber evidence analysis project.
- Nutrient Supplements evidence analysis project
- Sodium evidence analysis project
EAL Section: Nutrition Care Process
Nutrition Assessment
Energy Expenditure: Measurement vs. Estimation evidence analysis project
Health Disparities evidence analysis project
Nutrition Intervention
Nutrition Counseling evidence analysis project
Screening and Referral System
Nutrition Screening evidence analysis project
Outcomes Management System
- MNT Effectiveness evidence analysis project
What if I don’t see the topic I’m looking for?
To understand how topics are selected for the EAL®, please read the Frequently Asked Questions in the Help tab. You may also Contact the Academy and let us know about your interest in seeing a particular topic on the Academy Evidence Analysis Library.