• Assessment
    In studies of adult males, what is the group mean error in estimating resting metabolic rate (RMR) compared to measured RMR when using the WHO/FAO/UNU predictive equation?
    • Conclusion

      An international study by Censi (1998) reported a mean difference of an overestimate of 119 ±106 kcals/day with 95% limits of agreement from an underestimate of 93 kcals/day to an overestimate of 331 kcals/day, the WHO/FAO/UNU.

    • Grade: III
      • Grade I means there is Good/Strong evidence supporting the statement;
      • Grade II is Fair;
      • Grade III is Limited/Weak;
      • Grade IV is Expert Opinion Only;
      • Grade V is Not Assignable.
      • High (A) means we are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect;
      • Moderate (B) means we are moderately confident in the effect estimate;
      • Low (C) means our confidence in the effect estimate is limited;
      • Very Low (D) means we have very little confidence in the effect estimate.
      • Ungraded means a grade is not assignable.
    In studies of obese, Italian females, what is the group mean error in estimating resting metabolic rate (RMR) compared to measured RMR when using the WHO/FAO/UNU predictive equation?
    • Conclusion

      In two international studies including obese, Italian females, the WHO/FAO/UNU equation reported a group mean overestimation error range of 112-180 kcal/d; with one study reporting the 95% limits of agreement from an underestimation of 240 kcals/d to an overestimation error of 463 kcals/d.

    • Grade: III
      • Grade I means there is Good/Strong evidence supporting the statement;
      • Grade II is Fair;
      • Grade III is Limited/Weak;
      • Grade IV is Expert Opinion Only;
      • Grade V is Not Assignable.
      • High (A) means we are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect;
      • Moderate (B) means we are moderately confident in the effect estimate;
      • Low (C) means our confidence in the effect estimate is limited;
      • Very Low (D) means we have very little confidence in the effect estimate.
      • Ungraded means a grade is not assignable.