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Recommendations Summary

HTN: Soluble Fiber 2008

Click here to see the explanation of recommendation ratings (Strong, Fair, Weak, Consensus, Insufficient Evidence) and labels (Imperative or Conditional). To see more detail on the evidence from which the following recommendations were drawn, use the hyperlinks in the Supporting Evidence Section below.

  • Recommendation(s)

    Soluble Fiber

    Advise that the consumption of soluble fiber may or may not be beneficial for the reduction of blood pressure, since the effect of increased soluble fiber intake on blood pressure is unclear.

    Rating: Weak

    • Risks/Harms of Implementing This Recommendation

      It is concluded that as part of an overall healthy diet, a high intake of dietary fiber will not produce deleterious effects in healthy individuals.  While occasional adverse gastrointestinal symptoms are observed when consuming some isolated or synthetic fibers, serious chronic adverse effects have not been observed.

    • Conditions of Application

      No conditions specified.

    • Potential Costs Associated with Application


    • Recommendation Narrative

      • Of six randomized controlled trials, four report no significant differences in systolic or diastolic blood pressure at consumption levels of 5.5 to 8.4g of different types of soluble fiber for one month to six months (Davy et al, 2002; Jenkins et al, 2002; He et al, 2004; Marett and Slavin, 2004). 
      • However, in two randomized controlled trials (one of which involved weight reduction), consumption of oats (6 - 7 g soluble fiber) for six to 12 weeks resulted in significant reductions of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (Saltzman et al, 2001; Pins et al, 2002).
      • A meta-analysis (Streppel et al, 2005) of studies investigated increased fiber consumption, including soluble fiber, reports modest reductions in systolic blood pressure of 1.32 to 1.74mm Hg and in diastolic blood pressure of 0.82 to 2.22mm Hg (dose of soluble fiber intake not reported).  

    • Recommendation Strength Rationale

      • Conclusion Statement is Grade III

    • Minority Opinions

      Consensus reached.