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Diseases/Health Conditions

Diseases/Health Conditions

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis Library 
 (formerly American Dietetic Association)

 Diseases and Health Conditions

  Choose a link to a Disease or Health Condition evidence analysis project from the menu bar on the left.

 Where can I find additional evidence analysis topics on the EAL?

To see if a topic is on the EAL®, check the A-Z Index Tab or use the Search Feature - top right hand side of the page.

The following evidence analysis projects can be found in other sections on the EAL®.

EAL Section: Nutrientsfiber: bread, cereal, grains

EAL Section: Foodsvegetables at market

EAL Section: Life Cycle and Nutrition

EAL Section: Nutrition Care Process

 The online Evidence Analysis Library is a free benefit to Academy members.  Complete content is also available to EAL subscribers.

  Non-ADA members and non-subscribers have limited or no access to most of the evidence analysis projects. 

 Subscribe (The Academy offers annual [$400] and one-week trial [$28] subscriptions to individuals, as well as group subscriptions to organizations) to obtain access to all content of the ADA Evidence Analysis Library®

 adolescent girl with fruitThe Pediatric Overweight project, funded by the ADA Foundation, is accessible to everyone who registers and signs in. Just drill down to see the level of detail that you need.

 What if I don’t see the topic I’m looking for?

To understand how topics are selected for the EAL®, please read the Frequently Asked Questions in the Help tab.  You may also let the Academy know about your interest in seeing a particular topic on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis Library: Contact us to suggest a topic you would like to see added to the EAL®.