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EAL Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the Evidence Analysis Library (EAL)?
A. The EAL is a series of systematic reviews and evidence-based nutrition practice guidelines on topics of various disease conditions and other nutrition-related topics. 

Q. What is a systematic review?
A. A systematic review is a high-level process that collects and critically analyzes multiple research studies or papers on a clearly formulated question using explicit methods to identify, select and critically appraise the primary research. Learn about the EAL’s systematic review process from Policy and Process.
Q: What is the best way to learn about the Evidence Analysis Library (EAL)?
A. New users should view the EAL Orientation Tutorials. These are 5 short videos which highlight the features of the EAL – Module 1: provides tips on navigating the site; Module 2: highlights the Academy’s scoping review process; Module 3 – describes the EAL methodology; Module 4 – describes the guideline development process; and Module 5: provides information on dissemination and implementation of the guidelines. Click to access the Tutorial.

Q. Who has oversight over the Academy's Evidence Analysis Library?
A. The Academy Council on Research is the oversight body.  

Q. Who does the actual work of completing the evidence analysis?
A. Each systematic review consists of an Academy staff researcher, 6-8 topic experts, 1-2 patient advocates, a lead analyst, 6-10 evidence analysts and a medical librarian. The Council on Research Workgroup Selection Subcommittee appoints the expert workgroup. The workgroup formulates the research questions, develops the search strategy, reviews the evidence summary narratives and tables, writes the conclusion statements and assigns the grades. Visit Get Involved! for position qualifications and to access the online application.
Q. Is a subscription required to access the EAL?
A. Members of the Academy have full access to the EAL and should log in with their Academy login information. However, there is extensive content that is freely accessible to the general public (download list). Non-members can purchase a one-month subscription or an annual subscription.

Q. How can I learn more about the Academy's Evidence Analysis Process?
A. Click the Policy and Process tab for information on the Academy's meticulous process. Download the Evidence Analysis Manual for detailed information on the Academy’s process.

Q. How does the Academy choose topics for the EAL?
A. Projects are identified in a number of ways:

  • Academy research priorities
  • Nutrition topics which may be confusing to the public
  • Suggestions from Academy members and DPGs
  • Collaborations with allied organizations and external funders who suggest topics compatible with Academy strategic goals

Q. Why can't I locate the research articles in the EAL?
A. The articles are not available on the EAL. Academy members can access articles from the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics via www.eatright.org. Users can check with their institution’s library for a subscription; visit the journal's website for free access or to purchase a one-time use, or go to PubMed to determine if an article is available for free.

Q. What if I have additional questions?
A. Please email eal@eatright.org or use the Contact Us feature of the EAL.