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ONC: Major Recommendations (2013)

ONC: Major Recommendations (2013)

Oncology (ONC) Major Recommendations

Below you will find a list of Oncology Recommendations organized by Topic.

To view the Recommendation and Summary, click the Recommendation title. 

Topics Listed by Subject

ONC: Nutrition Status and Outcomes of Adult Oncology Patients (hospital admissions or re-admissions, hospital length of stay (LOS), quality of life (QoL), tolerance to chemotherapy and radiation treatment and mortality)

Nutrition Screening and Referral

ONC: Screening for Malnutrition Risk and Referral of Adult Oncology Patients 

ONC: Screening for Malnutrition Risk and Rescreening of Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Referral of Adult Oncology Patients Identified at Malnutrition Risk to the RDN 

ONC: Malnutrition Screening Tools for Adult Oncology Patients 

Medical Nutrition Therapy

ONC: Medical Nutrition Therapy in Adult Oncology Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy

ONC: MNT in Adult Oncology Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatment

ONC: MNT as Part of Multi-modal Therapy in Adult Oncology Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatment

Nutrition Assessment

ONC: Nutrition Assessment Tools for Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Nutrition Assessment Criteria in Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Assessment of Food/Nutrition-Related History of Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Assessment of Anthropometric Measurements in Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Assessment of Biochemical Data, Medical Tests and Procedures of Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Assessment of Nutrition-Focused Physical Findings and Client History of Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Nutrition Assessment for the Stages of Cancer Cachexia in Adult Oncology Patients

Nutrition Diagnosis

ONC: Nutrition Diagnosis of Malnutrition in Adult Oncology Patients

Nutrition Intervention

ONC: Nutrition Intervention for Adult Oncology Patients with Cancer Cachexia 

ONC: Fish Oil, Weight and Lean Body Mass in Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Dietary Supplements Containing Fish Oil for the Adult Oncology Patient

ONC: Medical Food Supplements Containing Fish Oil for the Adult Oncology Patient

ONC: Glutamine and Oral Mucositis in Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Parenteral Glutamine and Hematopoietic Cell Transplant (HCT) in Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Nutrition Substances and Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Neutropenic Dietary Precautions for Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Neutropenic Dietary Precautions for Adult Oncology Patients with Neutropenia (non-Bone Marrow Transplant)

ONC: Neutropenic Dietary Precautions for Adult Oncology Patients Undergoing Bone Marrow Transplant

Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation

ONC: Monitoring and Evaluation in Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Monitoring and Evaluation of Adult Oncology Patients

ONC: Monitoring and Evaluation of Adult Oncology Patients with Cancer Cachexia



In addition, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (A.N.D.) and the Oncology Expert Work Group concurs with the Clinical Oncological Society of Australia (COSA) Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for the Nutritional Management of Patients with Head and Neck Cancer and approved the following equivalency scale: External Guideline EAL Equivalency Rating.

These guidelines are periodically updated as new data becomes available.