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HTN: Major Recommendations (2015)

HTN: Major Recommendations (2015)

Major Recommendations

Below you will find a list of recommendations in the Hypertension (HTN) Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline organized by nutrition care process and topic.

The project started with a review of the 2007 recommendations. Selected recommendations were reviewed. The Summary of Changes 2015 provides an overview of the recommendation revisions and updates.
To see the Recommendation Summary, just click on the Recommendation title. Also view the Executive Summary of Recommendations or print the 2015 guideline in PDF format.

Screening and Referral


Nutrition Assessment


Nutrition Diagnosis


Nutrition Intervention

HTN: Medical Nutrition Therapy 

HTN: Effectiveness of Medical Nutrition Therapy 
HTN: Duration and Frequency of Medical Nutrition Therapy Encounters

HTN: Vitamin D

HTN: Potassium 

HTN: Dietary Potassium
HTN: Potassium Supplementation

HTN: Calcium 

HTN: Dietary Calcium
HTN: Calcium Supplementation

HTN: Magnesium 

HTN: Dietary Magnesium
HTN: Magnesium Supplementation

HTN: Sodium 

HTN: DASH Dietary Pattern

HTN: DASH and Weight Reduction

HTN: Alcohol 

HTN: Alcohol Intake and Heavy Drinkers
HTN: Alcohol Intake and Moderate Drinkers

HTN: Physical Activity 

Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation


Related Guidelines

Other EAL evidence-based guidelines that may be helpful include Adult Weight Management, Disorders of Lipid Metabolism, Type 2 Diabetes, Prevention of Diabetes, and Chronic Kidney Disease.