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CKD: Scope of Guideline (2020)

CKD: Scope of Guideline (2020)

Guideline Scope Characteristics

Below you will find a list of characteristics that describe the Scope of this Guideline.


The purpose of this guideline is to provide evidence-based summary of effective practice in the nutrition management of adults with chronic kidney disease (stages 1-5, on dialysis, post-kidney transplant). Recommendations have been formulated within the context of nutrition care process. The focus of this guideline is on nutritional management for patients with CKD and comprehensives covers the major topics of: Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Electrolytes, and Assessment.

This guideline is primarily intended for use by registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) involved in the management and treatment of adults with CKD (stages 1-5, on dialysis, post-kidney transplant). It may also be useful for other health care professionals involved in the care and treatment of CKD. In addition, other stakeholders may also find this guideline helpful to assess the effectiveness of nutrition management of CKD or for consumer education purposes. Clinical judgement should be used when evaluating patients with comorbid conditions.

Guideline Category

Assessment of Therapeutic Effectiveness, Counseling, Evaluation, Management, Treatment

Clinical Specialty

Nephrology, Nutrition

Intended Users

Registered Dietitians, Advanced Practice Nurses, Nurses, Pharmacists, Physician Assistants, Physicians, Students

Guideline Objective(s)

Overall Objective
The overall objective of this initiative is to provide medical nutrition therapy (MNT) guidelines for patients with kidney disease: to assess, prevent and treat protein-energy wasting, mineral and electrolyte disorders, and other metabolic disorders that are associated with kidney disease. We further aim to provide guidelines to minimize the impact of other comorbidities on the development and progression of nutritional and metabolic disorders observed in patients with kidney disease, including but not limited to diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension and disorders of lipid metabolism.

Specific Objectives

  • To define evidence-based CKD nutrition recommendations for physicians, registered dietitian nutritionist (RDNs) and other healthcare workers involved in the care of patients with kidney disease
  • To guide practice decisions that integrate medical, nutritional and behavioral strategies
  • To develop guidelines for interventions that have measurable clinical outcomes
  • To define the highest quality of care within cost constraints of the current healthcare environment.

Target Population

Adult (19 to 44 years), Middle Age (45 to 64 years), Aged (65 to 79 years), Male, Female

Target Population Description

  • Adults with chronic kidney disease, stages 1-5.
  • Adults with CKD on maintenance dialysis. 
  • Adults post-kidney transplant.

Interventions and Practices Considered

Guideline should cover the complete nutrition care process:

  • Nutrition Assessment
  • Nutrition Diagnosis
  • Nutrition Intervention
  • Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation


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