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CKD: Guideline Methods (2020)

CKD: Guideline Methods (2020)

General and Specific Methods for Chronic Kidney Disease (2020) Guideline
Evidence-based Nutrition Practice Guidelines (EBNPGs) and their supporting systematic reviews (SRs) are developed by a multidisciplinary team with oversight by the Academy’s Evidence Analysis Center and the Council on Research. The multidisciplinary team includes a volunteer expert workgroup, project manager, lead analysts, medical librarian, several analysts and a methodologist. The expert workgroup is composed of health practitioners and researchers with extensive experience working with the population of interest. The expert workgroup represents the views and concerns of the target population throughout the development of the SR and EBNPG.

General Methods
Development of this guidelines was a collaborative process between the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis Center and the National Kidney Foundation. Hence, the methods of this guideline development process reflect a rigorous methodology followed by both organizations. Download the Methodology.

Methods for Specific Topics
Each evidence analysis questin has a link to supporting evidence including the Search Plan and Results which includes the search strategy - dates of the search, inclusion and exclusion criteria, search tems, databases access, and list of included articles plus a list of excluded articles with reason for exclusion.

Recommendations also include links to the supporting evidence. Some recommendations are supported by multiple conclusion statments and therefore have multiple search plans listed.

Consensus/expert opinion rated recommendations were not developed using the Academy's evidence analysis process. These recommendations are based on consensus documents. Therefore, these recommendations do have have links to search plans. .

History of the Development of this Guideline
This guideline is the third publication of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Chronic Kidney Disease (2018) Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guidelines. Previous versions include 2010 and 2001.



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