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Summary of All Predictive Equations (2019)

Summary of All Predictive Equations (2019)

Prediction Methods Summary

Eleven equations were tested for validity in predicting resting metabolic rate (RMR) in adults with COPD. Two of these [Moore & Angelillo (MAE), Nordenson] were equations developed specifically for COPD patients, while the other equations were developed for healthy adults [Harris-Benedict (HBE), Mifflin St. Jeor (MSJE), Westerterp, de Oliveira, Owen and four variations of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization/United Nations University (FAO/WHO/UNU)], which were WHO (including ht), WHO (omitting ht), Nordic Nutrition Recommendation (NNRE) and the Schofield equation.

Three methods for predicting total energy expenditure (TEE) in adults with COPD were tested. In the first method, a pedometer was used to estimate physical activity and a multiplier was assigned based on the number of steps taken. The multiplier based on the number of steps taken was applied to six RMR equations [WHO (omitting ht), Schofield, HBE, MAE, NNRE, Nordenson)]. In the second and third method, motion and position sensors were used as the criterion to measure TEE. For TEE prediction, a simple ratio of 30kcal/kg body weight was then applied, as well as multiplying the WHO (omitting ht) equation by 1.7.

A summary of all prediction methods for RMR and TEE is below. For more information on the evidence for each of the predictive methods, see Individual Predictive Equations (2019) in Methods to Estimate Energy Requirements (2019) in the left navigation bar.