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COPD: Guideline Methods and Stakeholders (2019)

COPD: Guideline Methods and Stakeholders (2019)

Evidence-based Nutrition Practice Guideline Methods and Stakeholder Involvement

Evidence-based Nutrition Practice Guidelines (EBNPGs) and their supporting systematic reviews (SR) are developed by a multidisciplinary team, with oversight by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Council on Research. The multidisciplinary team includes a volunteer expert workgroup, a project manager, lead analyst, and medical librarian, several analysts, and Academy staff experts in systematic review methodology. The expert workgroup is composed of health practitioners and researchers with extensive experience working with the population of interest. The expert workgroup represents the views and concerns of the target population throughout the development of the SR and EBNPG.  

After conducting  a needs assessment and evaluation of existing guidelines on the topic under investigation, the expert workgroup develops the scope of the guideline. The rationale, background, and objectives of the topic  and the outcomes of interest to both the practitioners and the targeted population, form the framework for conducting the SR. The team implements the steps in the SR process as follows:  

1) Formulate Question
2) Gather and Classify Research
3) Critically Appraise each Article (Risk of Bias)
4) Summarize the Evidence
5) Develop Conclusion Statement and Grade Strength of the Evidence.

The team develops the EBNPG recommendations based on support of the EAL conclusion statements and strength of the evidence.  An EBNPG may also be supplemented with recommendations based on either EBPC-approved external guidelines or on expert opinion (consensus). References, including those used in the SR, external guidelines, and other credible sources are included at the bottom of each recommendation. See the Recommendations and Supporting Evidence tab for links to each full recommendation. 

The completed EBNPG draft undergoes appraisal by an interdisciplinary group of external reviewers. The external reviewers are solicited through Academy communications, via email and social media. Those reviewers with experience in guideline methodology and/or experience with the target population complete the comprehensive AGREE II survey. Survey results are then considered by the expert workgroup and incorporated into revisions of the EBNPG, before submission for final approval and publication by the EBPC.
Development of an Academy EBNPG is a rigorous and transparent process, critically evaluating the latest scientific evidence and consensus to inform RDN practice. Stakeholder input and involvement is integral to the development of EBNPGs. The Academy continues to make strides in ensuring that the target population's views and concerns are taken into consideration during the development of EAL guidelines and supporting SRs. The patient/consumer and public involvement is now considered a key component in the development of a clinical practice guidelines by organizations who develop clinical guidelines. The patient advocate’s role in the workgroup is to express the viewpoint of the patient group he or she represents, including the value of the benefits and risks of various treatments.This COPD EBNPG was the Academy’s pilot for the inclusion of a patient advocate as a workgroup member.  

More Information

For a full description of the EAL systematic review and guideline development process, see the Policy and Process tab in the main navigation bar (green) at the top of the page. 


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