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VLBW Preterm Infant Scoping Review (2017)

VLBW Preterm Infant Scoping Review (2017)

Scoping Review  

An evidence scoping review was conducted to help identify existing literature in preterm infant nutrition assessment and intervention, based on the Nutrition Care Process, and to guide the EAL preterm infant systematic review and evidence based guideline. Two (2) research questions and a search plan for the evidence scoping review was developed:
  1. In preterm infants, what is the availability of the literature regarding which methods should be used to assess nutrition needs and status and body composition?
  2. In preterm infants, what is the availability of the literature regarding the relationship between nutrition exposures/interventions and related health outcomes?

Target Population: Very Low Birthweight (VLBW) Preterm Infants (VLBW) Preterm Infants (≤1500 grams)
The results of the scoping review were published:  Nutrition Assessment, Exposure, and Interventions for Very-Low-Birth-Weight Preterm Infants: An  Evidence Analysis Center Scoping Review. Moloney L, Rozga M, Fenton, T. JAND 2019 119; (2):323-339.The scoping review was used to guide the focus of the systematic review.