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Celiac Disease (CD) Scoping Review (2018)

Celiac Disease (CD) Scoping Review (2018)

Scoping Review
An evidence scoping review was conducted to identify and characterize studies examining 1) the validity and reliability of nutrition assessment methods, 2) nutrition interventions, and 3) tools/measures to monitor adherence/compliance among individuals with celiac disease.

Research Question

1.    In individuals with celiac disease, what is the availability of the literature examining the validity and reliability of nutrition assessment methods?
2.    In individuals with celiac disease, what is the availability of the literature examining the effects of different nutrition interventions on nutrition-related health outcomes?
3.    In individuals with celiac disease, what is the availability of the literature examining the effectiveness of various tools/measures to monitor adherence/compliance?

Search Plan

Target Population
: All individuals with celiac disease

Assessment:  Studies examining the validity and reliability of nutrition assessment methods to measure nutrition status or adherence 

Interventions: Studies examining the effects of different nutrition intervention (e.g., medical nutrition therapy, supplements, etc.) 

Monitoring: Studies examining the effectiveness of various tools/measures to monitor adherence/compliance 

Outcomes: Any nutrition-related health outcome.

Locations: All locations. No limits.

Search Dates: January 2007 – July/August 2018

Study Designs: Experimental trials (e.g., randomized or non-randomized controlled trials, or non-controlled trials), observational studies (e.g., cohort, case-control, cross sectional, or validation studies), and systematic reviews/meta-analysis. Additionally, the search included any guidelines, census statements, recommendation, clinical updates, and technical reports.

Databases: Cochrane Database for systematic reviews, CINAHL (EBSCO), Embase, and Medline Ovid

Results: Nutrition Assessment, Interventions, and Monitoring for Patients with Celiac Disease: An Evidence Analysis Center Scoping Review. Cheng F and Handu D. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2020 120(8):1381-1406

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