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CD: Benefits and Risks/Harms of Implementation (2021)

CD: Benefits and Risks/Harms of Implementation (2021)

Various factors should be considered prior to implementation of these recommendations. Every recommendation includes benefits and risks/harms specific to that particular recommendation. Access the recommendations from the Guideline Recommendations and Supporting Evidence tab.
When using these recommendations, please consider the following general benefits:

  • The primary goal of implementing these recommendations is improving patient outcomes while keeping in mind your patients’ preferences and health status.
  • Although costs of MNT sessions and reimbursement vary, MNT is essential for improved outcomes.
  • MNT education can be considered cost-effective when considering the benefits of nutrition interventions on the onset and progression of comorbidities vs cost of the interventions.

When using these recommendations, please keep in mind the following:

  • Patient's age, socio-economic status, cultural issues, psychological and mental health status, health history and other individual ad health conditions.
  • Use clinical judgement in applying the recommendations.


Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence-based Nutrition Practice Guidelines are intended to serve as a synthesis of the best evidence available to inform registered dietitian nutritionists as they individualize nutrition care for their clients. Guidelines are provided with the express understanding that they do not establish or specify particular standards of care, whether legal, medical or other.

Evidence-based Nutrition Practice Guidelines are intended to summarize the best available research as a decision tool for Academy members.

No endorsement by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics of any brand-name product or service is intended or should be inferred from a Guideline or from any of its components (including Questions, Evidence Summary, Conclusion Statement, Conclusion Statement Grade, Recommendation or Recommendation Rating).


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