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CD: Guideline Overview (2021)

CD: Guideline Overview (2021)

Guideline Overview 

Guideline Title 

Celiac Disease Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline (2020-21)

Guideline Narrative Overview 

The focus of the Celiac Disease Guideline is on medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for people with celiac disease. The primary goals of MNT for people with celiac disease are to promote optimal health, to prevent and treat malabsorption/malnutrition and other comorbidities, and improve quality of life.

Guideline Development
This guideline is intended for use by clinicians who work in the celiac disease field, Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) or international equivalent, and other professionals who are involved in providing nutrition care to adults with celiac disease. The guideline must be individualized, but it will assist the Registered Dietitian in successfully integrating MNT into the overall medical management of people with celiac disease. This guideline is based on systematic reviews conducted by the project team, consisting of registered dietitians who are practitioners and or researchers, patient advocates and systematic review and guideline methodologists and evidence analysts. An evidence-to-decision framework was used to write recommendations, as this framework incorporates evidence as well as clinical experience and the values of the individuals with celiac disease. In situations where there was no evidence available for specific research questions, recommendations were based on expert experience and other supporting evidence. For nutrition topics outside of the scope of this guideline, external evidence-based guidelines were reviewed using the AGREE II tool and individual graded recommendations were voted on by workgroup members in order to provide practitioners with a comprehensive guide to celiac disease nutrition care.

To view specific methods for the development of this guideline, please see the respective section. 

Topics addressed in this evidence-based nutrition practice guideline include:

  • Oats
  • Supplements
  • Prebiotics/Probiotics
  • Gluten-Free diet

The recommendations are based on the work performed by the Academy’s Expert Work Group and the evidence review team. The number of documents for these topics is below:
Recommendations: 9
Conclusion Statements: 30
Evidence Summaries: 30
Article Worksheets: 74

To learn about the Academy’s systematic review methodology guideline development process, visit the  Policy and Procedures section of the Evidence Analysis Library.

Expand the Project Team to see the list of expert workgroup members, analysts and contributors for this project.

Academy guidelines are revisited every five years. An expert workgroup will be convened by the Workgroup Selection subcommittee of the Council of Research (COR) to determine the need for new and revised recommendations based on the available science. The process includes:

  • Scoping review to identify new research published since the previous searches were completed. Updated inclusion/exclusion criteria and search terms may be warranted.
  • Review to determine if the update will include modification at all, some or no recommendations compared to the earlier version of the guidelines, or development of new recommendations.
  • Creation of a table comparing the new guideline and the older version of the guideline. The document will indicate which recommendations remain unchanged; updated; new; or not reviewed.

Using the Academy's EAL process, an unbiased and transparent systematic review will be completed and the updated guideline will be published on the EAL. The Academy's guideline development process is described in the article Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Methodology for Developing Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guidelines. J Acad Nutr Diet 2017 May 117; (5):794-804.

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