Adult Weight Management (AWM) Systematic Review (2013-2014)

Adult Weight Management (AWM) Systematic Review (2013-2014)

Welcome to the 2013-14 Adult Weight Management project. Following are several important facts regarding this project;
  • This project updates the first project published between 2005-2007 with corresponding evidence-based nutrition practice guidelines published in 2006.
  • Target population of adults (18 and over)
  • Four (4) sub-topic areas - Eating Frequency and Patterns; Estimating Resting Metabolic Rate; Nutrient Adequacy and Caloric Restriction; and New Technology and Telenutrition - were reviewed.
  • Correspdonging evidence-based nutrition practice guidelines were pubished in 2014.
  • Expand the Project Team sections to view a list of individuals who contributed to this project.
  • Expand the Project Resources section to view available resources.


  • Project Resources

    The following resources were developed from this project:

    • Adult Weight Management Guideline Presentation - this 59-slide MS PowerPoint presentation includes all the recommendations and ratings of the AWM 2014 Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline. Ideal for you to use for meetings, in-service presentations and classes (not designed for the consumer). Click to order.
  • Project Team (2014)

    The following individuals contributed their valuable skills and expertise to this project.

    Workgroup Members

    • Rebecca Reeves, DrPH, RD, FADA, Chair
    • Chris Biesemeier, MS,RD, LD, FADA
    • Molly Gee, MEd, RD, LD
    • Patricia Harper, MS, RD, LD
    • Kajuanda H. Huntley, MS, RD
    • Bonnie Jortberg, PhD, RD, CDE
    • Sachiko St. Jeor, PhD, RD
    • Jackie Boucher, MS, RD, LD, CDE (resigned December 2011)

    Project Manager/Lead Analyst

    • Erica K. Gradwell, MS, RD

    Evidence Analysts

    • Kim Bandelier,, MPH, LD
    • Lori Brizee, MS, RDN, CSP
    • Laura Cook, PhD, RD
    • Carol Klitzke, PhD, RDN, SNS
    • Renee Korczak, PhD, RD
    • Michelle Lee, PhD, RD
    • Sharon Foley, PhD, RD, LDN
    • Helen Solomon, RD

    2014 Guideline Reviewers

    • Kristine Clark, PhD, RDN, FACSM
    • Monica Lebre, MS, BD, LDN
    • Juliet M. Mancino, MS, RDN, CDE
    • Ashley L. Mullins, RD, LD, CNSC
    • Eileen Stellefson Myers, MPH, RD, LDN, FADA, AND
    • Stacy Paine, RDN, LD, CLT
    • Julie Schwartz, MS, RDN,, CSSD, LD, ACSM-HFS
    • Kristen Smith, MS, RD, LD
    • Elizabeth Anderson Steeves, MS, RD
    • Anna Q. Tourkakis, MPA, DTR
    • Rebecca J. Threlkeld, MS, RDN, LDN
    • Kristin Walters, MS, RD
    • Samantha Weiss, MPH, RD
    • Christine K. Weithman, MBA, RD, LDN

    Financial Contributor

    • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

    Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest: In the interest of full disclosure, the Academy has adopted the policy of revealing relationships workgroup members have with companies that sell products or services that are relevant to this topic. Workgroup members are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest by completing the Academy Conflict of Interest Form. It should not be assumed that these financial interests will have an adverse impact on the content, but they are noted here to fully inform readers.

    • Christine Biesemeier.- received honorarium from CDR for consulting on adult weight management program
    • Molly Gee - received grants from Coca Cola and National Institutes of Health; consulted for Enovia Oil, Aspartame, Wrigley, Sciences Institute,
    • Patricia Harper - received grant from National Institutes of Health
    • Bonnie Jortberg - received grant from National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; received honorarium from South Alabama Family Medicine Residency and Advocate Lutheran Hospital Family Medicine and Pediatric Residency Programs
    • Rebecca Reeves - Media representative for Cargill; member of Unilever Scientific Advisory Board and NuVal (Overall Nutrition Quality Index) Scientific Advisory Board; authored articles dealing with weigh loss and/or weight management
    • Sachiko St. Jeor - received grant from National Institutes of Health and Limited Industrial support from Microlife USA and Tanita; member of Council on Women's Nutrition Solutions