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NPA-GP: Dissemination and Implementation (2023)

NPA-GP: Dissemination and Implementation (2023)

Dissemination focuses on spreading the knowledge and information from these guidelines to stakeholders via various means. Implementation, on the other hand, involves integration of the evidence-based interventions into practice, and includes examination of barriers and facilitators that can influence the effectiveness of these evidence-based recommendations.


The publication of this guideline on the EAL website is an integral aspect of this Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline (EBNPG) to dietetics practitioners engaged in, teaching, or researching nutrition and physical activity. 

The guideline development team recommended multi-faceted strategies to disseminate the guideline and encourage its implementation. The EBNPG will be disseminated to announcements at professional events, social media, list-serves, newsletters, spokespeople, notification to Academy groups, policy makers and external organizations. This EBNPG is available on the Evidence Analysis Library website and will be published in a professional journal as well as presented at professional conferences. The guideline and supplementary resources will be freely available for members to use in the education and training of dietetic interns and students in approved Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) programs. 

Specific distribution strategies include:

  • Publication in full: The guideline and supporting systematic review are available electronically at the Academy Evidence Analysis Library website (www.andeal.org). The Academy Evidence Analysis Library will also provide downloadable supporting information.
  • Scientific publications on this project include:
    • Justin Robinson, MA, RDN, CSSD; Erin Nitschke, EdD, MS; Ashley Tovar, PhD, RDN; Lama Mattar, PhD; Kimberly Gottesman, DCN, RDN, LDN; Peggy Hamlett, PhD; Mary Rozga, PhD, RDN. Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions Provided by Nutrition and Exercise Practitioners for the General Population: An Evidence-Based Practice Guideline From the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and American Council on Exercise. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2023.
    • Nitschke E, Gottesman K, Halett P, Mattar L, Robinson J, Tovar A, Rozga M. Impact of Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions Provided by Nutrition and Exercise Practitioners for the Adult General Population: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients  2022(14):1729.
    • Rozga M, Jones K, Robinson J, Yahio A. Nutrition and physical activity interventions for the general population with and without cardiometabolic risk: a scoping review. Public Health Nutr. 2021 Oct;24(14):4718-4736
  • Presentations
    • The guideline and supporting systematic review were presented at the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE) 2022 in Orlando, FL.
    • Nutrition and Physical Activity: General Population (2023) Guideline Presentation: this 28-slide MS Powerpoint presentation includes the recommendations and ratings of the guideline along with implementation tips and resources. Ideal for meetings, in-service presentations, and classroom lectures (this product is not designed for the consumer). Download for free.


Please see the sections titled “Considerations for Application” in this guideline for tools and expert advice regarding how to implement recommendations. Implementation resources described throughout the guideline include:

Resources in this Guideline

  • Practitioner Guide for Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions for the General Population (PDF
  • Framework for Providing Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions to Adults who are Healthy or have Cardiometabolic Risk Factors (PDF
  • Components of Screening and Assessment for Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions Provided by Nutrition or Exercise Practitioners Figure (PDF
  • Scope of Practice for Dietitians, Exercise Practitioners and Health Coaches when Delivering Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions to Adults in the General Population Table (PDF
  • Resources to Find Practitioners with Necessary Specializations in Providing Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions Table (PDF
  • Behavioral Counseling Strategies to Consider when Delivering Nutrition and Physical Activity Interventions Table (PDF
  • Key Population-Based Nutrition and Physical Activity Recommendations for Americans (PDF
  • Priorities for Interventions Provided by Nutrition and Exercise Practitioners for Adults who are Healthy or Have Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Figure (PDF) 
  • Excerpt of Guidance on Providing Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) Office on Minority Health (PDF)

External Resources

Guideline Testing

Guideline Implementation is tested by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Nutrition Research Network. 

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