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MiOA: Guideline Recommendations (2023)

MiOA: Guideline Recommendations (2023)

Guideline recommendations are the essence of evidence-based guidelines and provide a course of action for the practitioner based on the evidence. Below, you will find the Malnutrition in Older Adults (2023) recommendations organized by Nutrition Care Process category. 

Each recommendation receives a rating, of Strong, Weak, or Consensus. The rating for the recommendation is primarily based on the strength of the supporting evidence but also the balance between benefits or harms anticipated and the clinical practice implications. Recommendation statements include the terms "recommend/should" for strong recommendations, "suggest/may" for weak recommendations, and "it is reasonable" for consensus recommendations. The Academy categorizes recommendations in terms of either Imperative or Conditional statements. Conditional statements clearly define a specific situation or specific sub-population with the larger guideline population. Imperative statements are broadly applicable to the target population without restraints on their application. 

The Academy uses the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations) framework for developing clinical recommendations. The MiOA (2023) recommendations were developed using both formats and were assigned ratings in both systems. Learn more →

Resources Available with Each Recommendation

In addition to the recommendation statement and strength rating, on each recommendation page, you will find:

  • A brief narrative summary of the evidence analyzed to reach the recommendation
  • A statement of justification, or reason for the strength of the recommendation
  • Detailed information on the evidence supporting the recommendations and background narrative (available in the Supporting Evidence section toward the bottom of each recommendation page)
  • A reference list at the end of each recommendation page that includes all the sources used in the evidence analysis for the particular recommendation (each reference is hyperlinked to a summary of the article analyzed in the evidence analysis).

Click on the blue recommendation title to view the full recommendations.

Nutrition Assessment

MiOA: Malnutrition Assessment in Long-Term Care

  • Long-Term Care Mini-Nutritional Assessment
  • Long-Term Care Subjective Global Assessment and Patient-General Subjective Global Assessment

MiOA: Malnutrition Assessment in the Community

  • Community Mini-Nutritional Assessment
  • Community Subjective Global Assessment

Nutrition Intervention

MiOA: Oral Nutrition Supplements

  • Oral Nutrition Supplements in Long-Term Care
  • Oral Nutrition Supplements in the Community
  • Oral Nutrition Supplements when Discharged from Acute Care to the Community

MiOA: Food Fortification

  • Food Fortification in Long-Term Care
  • Food Fortification in the Community

MiOA: Dietitian Effectiveness in the Community 

  • Dietitian Effectiveness in the Community
  • Dietitian Effectiveness Post-Discharge

MiOA: Home Delivered Meals and Congregate Meals 


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