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VN: Definitions, Acrynoms and Abbreviations (2024)

VN: Definitions, Acrynoms and Abbreviations (2024)

Definition of Vegetarian Diets

Diet Definition
Vegetarian A diet that does not include intake of flesh foods such as meat, poultry, and fish.
Lacto-ovo vegetarian A type of vegetarian diet that is devoid of animal products other than flesh foods, such as eggs (ovo) and dairy (lacto).
Omnivores An animal or person that eats food of both plant and animal origin.
Vegan  A type of vegetarian diet that does not include intake of any animal products, including dairy and eggs. 
Non-vegetarian A diet that includes intake of flesh foods such as meat, poultry, and fish.
Therapeutic diet A diet prescribed by a health practitioner to treat a clinical condition or disease.


Acronyms and Abbreviations (in alphabetical order)

Term Defintion
 BMI  Body mass index
 BP  Blood pressure
 CBVD  Cerebrovascular disease
 COE  Certainty of evidence
 CHD  Coronary heart disease
 CI  Confidence interval
 CRP  C-reactive protein
 CVD  Cardiovascular disease
 DPB  Diastolic blood pressure
 FBG  Fasting blood glucose
 GRADE  Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations
 HbA1c  Hemoglobin A1c
 HDL-C  High-density lipoprotein cholesterol
 HR  Hazard ratio
 HTN  Hypertension
 LDL-C  Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
 MI  Myocardial infarction
 MD  Mean difference
 QoL  Quality of life
 RCT  Randomized controlled trial
 RoB  Risk of bias
 RR  Relative risk
 SMD  Standard mean difference
 SBP  Systolic blood pressure
 SRs  Systematic reviews
 T2DM  Type 2 diabetes mellitus
 TG  Triglycerides

Definition of Studies

Study Defintion
Meta-analysis A systematic, quantitative method that combines the results of all relevant studies to produce an overall estimate. A meta-analysis can be part of a systematic review, but not all systematic review include meta-analysis.
Randomized controlled trial Individuals meeting eligibility requirements are randomly assigned into an experimental group or a control group. The experimental intervention and its alternatives are clearly defined and their implementation is closely managed by the researcher.
Umbrella review An umbrella review compiles evidence from multiple existing systematic reviews and is one of the highest levels of evidence. Allowing easy comparison between other individual reviews, the umbrella review may address a broader question and can be useful for comparing interventions.