Pediatric Overweight/Obesity: Treatment (2021)
Author and Year:
Flodgren G, Gonçalves-Bradley D, Summerbell C, 2017
PubMed ID:
Article Title:
Interventions to change the behaviour of health professionals and the organisation of care to promote weight reduction in children and adults with overweight or obesity.
Flodgren G, Gonçalves-Bradley D, Summerbell C
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Year of publication:
Page numbers:
Study Design:
Risk of Bias Assessment Rating:
Inclusion Criteria:
Randomised trials that compared routine provision of care with interventions aimed either at changing the behaviour of
healthcare professionals or the organisation of care to promote weight reduction in children and adults with overweight or obesity.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Studies that varied the clinical content or intensity of care, or both, of the intervention aimed at reducing weight, without a normal-care control group. We therefore excluded studies comparing the effectiveness of different durations of follow-up, intervention, or frequency of consultation with people with overweight or obesity.
2. Studies that reported neither participants’ weight nor BMI (adults), and studies of children that reported neither change in BMI z-score nor BMI.
3. Studies that reported only knowledge or attitudes of health professionals or participant satisfaction, with no objective measure of professional performance or participant outcomes.
Research Purpose:
To assess the effects of strategies to change the behaviour of health professionals or the organisation of care compared to standard care, to promote weight reduction in children and adults with overweight or obesity.
Blinding efforts:
Not applicable
Study Location:
Not applicable
Source(s) of Funding:
Government, Not-for-profit
Please specify names of funders:
This review was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), via Cochrane Infrastructure funding and a
Cochrane programme grant to the EPOC Group.