Recommendations Summary
EE: Rest Period Duration in Critically Ill 2013
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EE: Rest Period Duration in Critically Ill
The registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) should ensure a 30-minute rest period prior to resting metabolic rate (RMR) measurement in critically ill patients. One study indicates that energy expenditure is elevated for up to 30 minutes after routine intensive care unit (ICU) care in non-sedated patients. The potential for sedation to shorten the rest period has not been studied.
Rating: Fair
Risks/Harms of Implementing This Recommendation
There are no potential risks or harms associated with the application of this recommendation.
Conditions of Application
- Sedation might reduce the time it takes to return to rest after routine ICU care, but the effect is not known
- For the purposes of this recommendation, routine ICU care includes suctioning, vent adjustments, turning, bathing and dressing changes, as well as any other invasive procedures
- Further studies are needed to identify the optimal wait time after procedures, such as surgery and hemodialysis
- Coordination with other healthcare professionals (e.g., nurse, respiratory therapy) is needed to ensure a sufficient wait time.
Potential Costs Associated with Application
If the 30-minute wait time cannot be achieved, then the measurement should be rescheduled or a measurement of total energy expenditure (TEE) may be attempted. Additional costs may occur due to increased time.
Recommendation Narrative
Only one study was included in the evidence analysis for this recommendation.
- One neutral-quality study (Swinamer et al, 1987) provides evidence that rest periods greater than 30 minutes are not necessary. Additional research is needed to confirm this and determine the minimum time to recover to rest in critically ill patients, taking into account their sedation level.
- No new studies were identified in the update of this question.
Recommendation Strength Rationale
Conclusion statement is Grade III.
Minority Opinions