MiOA: Intervention: Long-Term Care: Food Fortification (2023)

Author and Year:
Van Wymelbeke V, Brondel L, et al. 2016
PubMed ID:
Article Title:
An innovative brioche enriched in protein and energy improves the nutritional status of malnourished nursing home residents compared to oral nutritional supplement and usual breakfast: FARINE+ project.
Van Wymelbeke V, Brondel L, Bon F, Martin-Pfitzenmeyer I, Manckoundia P
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
Year of publication:
Page numbers:
Study Design:
Randomized Controlled Trial
Risk of Bias Assessment Rating:
Some concerns
Inclusion Criteria:
MNA less than or equal to 23.5; plasma pre-albumin less than or equal to 0.2 g/L; aged 70 or older
Exclusion Criteria:
Allergy or intolerance to any of the foods offered in the study; suffer from an acute episode of disease at the time of the study; incapable of feeding themselves.
Research Purpose:
Compare the effects of a 12-week nutritional intervention in which an innovative protein-and-energy-enriched brioche, an oral nutritional supplement or a usual breakfast were eaten, on food intake and nutritional status in nursing home residents.
Blinding efforts:
Not reported
Study Location:
Eight nursing homes in Burgundy, France
Source(s) of Funding:
Please specify names of funders:
Grants of the French Government under the Fond Unique Interministeriel program through the project of Farine+