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ONC: Malnutrition Screening and Nutrition Assessment of Adult Oncology Patients (2012)

ONC: Malnutrition Screening and Nutrition Assessment of Adult Oncology Patients (2012)


The Academy's Oncology Expert Work Group reviewed articles on screening and assessment in the oncology population in order to evaluate the available tools and provide evidence-based guidance for the oncology dietitian caring for those patients experiencing nutrition impact symptoms or those at risk for malnutrition.

The Work Group chose to limit the definition of malnutrition to under-nutrition, recognizing that other areas of practice have a broader interpretation that includes both under- and over-nutrition or nutrient imbalance, rather than inadequate caloric intake.

For an explantion of nutrition, malnutrition screening and nutrition assessment of the oncology patient, visit the Guideline Introduction page titled Nutrtion and the Adult Oncology Patient (click here).

For the Oncology Work Group's suggestions for future research on this topic, see ONC: Future Research Suggestions on the left.