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Nutrition Screening Pediatrics

Nutrition Screening Pediatrics (NSP) Systematic Review (2017-2018)

Nutrition Screening Pediatrics Systematic Review (2016-2018)

In the pediatric population, optimal nutritional status is crucial to ensure appropriate growth and development. Nutrition screening exists as an important precursor to dietitian notification that a nutrition problem may exist, thus sending a patient into the first step of the Nutrition Care Process. Use of valid and reliable nutrition screening tools that are appropriate for age and practice setting are important components of the screening process.

The scope of this project was to determine the validity and reliability of 14 pediatric nutrition screening tools to identify risk of malnutrition related to under- or over-nutrition and to determine if results varied according to users of the tools. Validity and reliability of mid-arm muscle circumference (MUAC) as a single screening indicator to detect risk of undernutrition in developed countries was also examined. Finally, the association between food insecurity and under- or over-nutrition was explored in order to determine if this factor should be considered during nutrition screening.

  • Use the links on the left to view tool components and descriptions; validity and reliability criteria, definitions; and the evidence analysis. 
  • From the project landing page, expand the section titled Project Team and Disclosures for a listing of individuals who contributed to time to the development of the systematic review, disclosures of conflict, and project funding information.
  • From the project landing page, expand the section titled Resources and Articles for information on published manuscripts from this project.


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