VN: Nutrition Status Outcomes (2023)
Author and Year:
Haider L, Schwingshackl L, et al. 2018
PubMed ID:
Article Title:
The Effect of Vegetarian Diets on Iron Status in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Haider L, Schwingshackl L, Hoffmann G, Ekmekcioglu C
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition
Year of publication:
Page numbers:
Study Design:
Meta-analysis or Systematic Review
Risk of Bias Assessment Rating:
Inclusion Criteria:
Participants had to be at least 18 years of age; studies were therefore only included in the systematic review if results on Fer were available.
Exclusion Criteria:
Data on pregnant and lactating women were excluded. Participants with genetic disorders of iron storage and metabolism were also excluded. Diseases interfering with Fer levels, i.e. inflammatory, malignant, liver, and kidney diseases, malassimilation, and eating disorders, were other exclusion criteria. Studies researching groups of athletes, who have an unusually high need for iron and are suspected to suffer from diminished iron stores, were not included in this systematic review. Studies primarily investigating iron deficient or anemic participants and studies listing ID or anaemia as exclusion criteria were excluded as well. Data of iron-supplement users were also not included in the systematic review and metaanalysis except for studies including equal percentages of iron supplement users in both diet groups and studies stating that results did not change after excluding iron supplement users.
Research Purpose:
To summarise and meta-analytically synthesize existing data in order to provide an up-to-date statement whether vegetarian diets significantly influence iron status parameters in otherwise healthy adults
Blinding efforts:
Not applicable
Study Location:
Not applicable
Source(s) of Funding:
Not reported
Please specify names of funders: