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MiOA: Intervention: Long-Term Care: Oral Nutrition Supplements (2023)

Author and Year:
Stow R, Ives N, et al. 2015
PubMed ID:
Article Title:
A cluster randomised feasibility trial evaluating nutritional interventions in the treatment of malnutrition in care home adult residents.
Stow R, Ives N, Smith C, Rick C, Rushton A
Year of publication:
Page numbers:
Study Design:
Randomized Controlled Trial
Risk of Bias Assessment Rating:
Inclusion Criteria:
Residents (65 years + home) at risk of malnutrition without a dietetic-led plan; score of‘1’or higher on the‘MUST’; able to eat and drink; registered with a Solihull GP (eligible for the provision of healthcare services provided by the Heart of England NHS foundationTrust (HEFT).
Exclusion Criteria:
Receiving/likely to receive in the next 6 months enteral tube feeding or parenteral nutrition; receiving nutritional support (dietetic advice or prescribed ONS); known eating disorder or illness, requiring therapeutic diet incompatible with fortification and/or supplementation; on an end-of-life care pathway.
Research Purpose:
To define outcomes and optimize the design for an adequately powered definitive trial to compare the efficacy of established nutritional interventions in this setting, a cluster randomized feasibility trial with a 6-month intervention was undertaken.
Blinding efforts:
Residents were recruited prior to random allocation of care homes to the three arms. As consent was sought at the care home level (aside from PROMs), individual residents were not told of the care home intervention assignment. Due to the nature of the interventions and the obvious differences between them, it was not possible to blind the staff delivering them.
Study Location:
Borough of Solihull, West Midlands, in England.
Source(s) of Funding:
Government, Study was self-funded and involved no research costs for the NHS trust sponsoring the re
Please specify names of funders:
National Institutefor Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Academic Training Programme for AHP’s(Masters in Research)