MiOA: Intervention: Long-Term Care: Oral Nutrition Supplements (2023)
Author and Year:
Parsons E, Stratton R, et al. 2017
PubMed ID:
Article Title:
Oral nutritional supplements in a randomised trial are more effective than dietary advice at improving quality of life in malnourished care home residents.
Parsons E, Stratton R, Cawood A, Smith T, Elia M
Clinical Nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Year of publication:
Page numbers:
Study Design:
Randomized Controlled Trial
Risk of Bias Assessment Rating:
Some concerns
Inclusion Criteria:
Residents aged >50 years; at risk of malnutrition (medium to high risk) according to the‘Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool’(‘MUST’); able to give informed consent; able to eat and drink safely; no need for modified textured diets
Exclusion Criteria:
Residents receiving enteral tubefeeding (ETF), parenteral nutrition or ONS (or those who had received ONS in the four weeks prior to the study); chronic kidney disease requiring dialysis; liver failure; malignancy; palliative care for terminal disease; participation in other studies
Research Purpose:
Examine the effects of oral nutritional supplements (ONS) vs dietary advice on QoL in malnourished care home residents.
Blinding efforts:
At the point of randomization both the residents and the researchers were blinded to the designated intervention.
Study Location:
Hampshire, England, UK
Source(s) of Funding:
Please specify names of funders: