NPA-GP: Anthropometric Outcomes (2021)
Author and Year:
Foster-Schubert K, Alfano C, et al, 2012
PubMed ID:
Article Title:
Effect of diet and exercise, alone or combined, on weight and body composition in overweight-to-obese postmenopausal women.
Foster-Schubert K, Alfano C, Duggan C, Xiao L, Campbell K, Kong A, Bain C, Wang C, Blackburn G, McTiernan A
Year of publication:
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Study Design:
Randomized Controlled Trial
Risk of Bias Assessment Rating:
Some concerns
Inclusion Criteria:
Postmenopausal women from the greater Seattle, WA area, aged 50–75 years, who were overweight or obese (body mass index (BMI) >/=25 kg/m2, or >/=23 kg/m2 for Asian-American women), and exercising <100 min/week at moderate intensity or greater.
Exclusion Criteria:
Diagnosed diabetes, fasting blood glucose >/=126 mg/dL, or use of diabetes medications; use of postmenopausal hormone therapy within the prior 3 months; history of breast cancer or other serious medical condition(s); alcohol intake in excess of 2 drinks/day or current smoker; contraindication to participating in the diet or exercise intervention for any reason, including an abnormal exercise tolerance test, current or planned participation in another structured weight loss program, use of weight loss medications, or additional factors that might interfere with measurement of outcomes or with the success of the intervention
Research Purpose:
To determine the effects of a calorie-reduced, low-fat diet (D), a moderate-intensity, facility-based aerobic exercise program (E), or the combination of both interventions (D+E), vs. a no lifestyle change control (C) on change in body weight and composition.
Blinding efforts:
Study Location:
Source(s) of Funding:
Please specify names of funders:
Trial Name if applicable: