HTN: Medical Nutrition Therapy (2022-24)
Author and Year:
Whelton et al 1992
PubMed ID:
Article Title:
The Effects of Nonpharmacologic Interventions on Blood Pressure of Persons With High Normal Levels
The Trials of Hypertension Prevention Collaborative Research Group
Journal of the American Medical Association
Year of publication:
Page numbers:
Study Design:
Randomized Controlled Trial
Risk of Bias Assessment Rating:

Inclusion Criteria:
The target population consisted of healthy men and women, aged 30 through 54 years, who had high normal DBP and were not taking antihypertensive drugs for the prior 2 months. The BP eligibility level was based on three measurements at each of three screening visits (SV), between 10 and 30 days apart, with inclusion limits based on cumulative averages of all readings through that visit, as follows: SVI, 75 through 97 mm Hg; SV2, 77 through 94 mm Hg; and SV3 (baseline), 80 through 89 mm Hg.
Exclusion Criteria:
Candidates were excluded if they had (1) clinical or laboratory evidence of cardiovascular or other life threatening or disabling diseases, (2) conditions that would require or contraindícate any of the interventions, or (3) evidence of unwillingness or inability to comply with intervention or data collection procedures.
Research Purpose:
1) to test the short term effect on BP of selected nutritional and behavioral interventions, and (2) to determine the feasibility of a long-term clinical trial of methods for reducing the incidence of hypertension.
Blinding efforts:
See Risk of Bias.
Study Location:
United States
Source(s) of Funding:
Please specify names of funders:
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health