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VLBW: Preterm Infants: Acronyms and Abbreviations (2020)

VLBW: Preterm Infants: Acronyms and Abbreviations (2020)

The following terms are used thoughout the Preterm Infant (PTI) guideline and systematic review.

Abbreviation Term
 AA  Arachidonic acid
 BMC  Bone mineral content
 BPD  Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
 BUN  Blood urea nitrogen
 CA  Conceptual age
 DHA  Docosahexaenoic acid
 DXA  Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
 EPA  Eicosapentaenoic acid
 FPL  Forced-choice Preferential-looking
 GA  Gestational age
 HC  Head circumference
 HMF  Human milk fortifier
 MCT Oil  Medium-chain triglycerides oil
 MD  Mental development
 MDI Score  Mental Development Index score
 MOM  Mother's own milk
 NBAS  Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale
 NEC  Necrotizing enterocolities
 NICU  Newborn intensive care unit
 PCA  Post-conceptual age
 PDI  Psychomotor Development Index
 PMA  Post menstrual age
 PTI EBNPG  Preterm Infant Evidence Based Nutrition Practice Guideline
 RCT  Randomized controlled trial
 ROP  Retinopathy of prematurity
 RR  Relative risk
 SMD  Standardized mean difference
 TCA  Term corrected age
 VEP  Visual evoked potential
 VLBW  Very low birth weight