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T1DM: Dissemination and Implementation of Guideline (2024)

T1DM: Dissemination and Implementation of Guideline (2024)

Dissemination and implementation of guidelines is very important for the Academy. Dissemination focuses on spreading the knowledge and information of these guidelines via various means. Implementation, on the other hand, involves integration of the evidence-based interventions into practice, and examining barriers and facilitators that can influence the effectiveness of these evidence-based recommendations.

Guideline Dissemination

The publication of this EBNPG is an integral aspect of the plans for disseminating the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Type 1 Diabetes (Pediatrics) 2024 Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline to all dietetics practitioners engaged in, teaching, or researching T1DM. Additionally, there are recommended dissemination and adoption strategies for local use of the Academy's T1DM Evidence-Based Nutrition Practice Guideline.

Dissemination of the T1DM EBNPG will be achieved by announcement at professional events, on social media, available on the Evidence Analysis Library website and published in a professional journal, as well as various presentations. Some strategies include:

  • National and local events: State dietetic association meetings and media coverage will help launch the EBNPG.
  • Local feedback adaptation: Presentation by members of the work group at peer review meetings and opportunities for CEUs for courses will be provided 
  • Education initiatives: The EBNPG and supplementary resources will be freely available for use in the education and training of dietetic interns and students in approved Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) programs
  • Champions: Local champions will be identified, and expert members of the expert panel ill prepare articles for publication. Resources will be provided that include PowerPoint presentations.

Specific distribution strategies include:

  • Publication in full: The EBNPG is available electronically at the Academy Evidence Analysis Library website (www.andeal.org) and will be announced to all the dietetic practice groups. The Academy Evidence Analysis Library will also provide downloadable supporting information.
  • Scientific publication: The EBNPG will be published in the Journal of the Academy and Nutrition and Dietetics (issue to be determined).
  • Presentations: Results from the EBNPG were presented at the FNCE 2024 - Providing MNT for the Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Population: What Does the Evidence Show?
  • Type 1 Diabetes Pediatrics (2024) Guideline Presentation - includes all the recommendations and ratings of the EBNPG in a PowerPoint presentation format. Ideal for in-service presentations, staff training sessions and classes (not designed for patient or client use). Download for free

Guideline Implementation

  • Please see the “Considerations for Application” section of the guideline recommendations for tools and expert advice regarding how to implement the recommendations. 
  • The Academy's Council on Research Implementation Subcommittee developed Implementing Evidence: from Guidelines to Daily Practice to assist nutrition and dietetics practitioners with implementing evidence-based practice recommendations and clinical practice innovations into daily practice. (PDF).
  • Practitioner Guide: Guideline Flowchart (PDF).
  • Practioner Guide: T1DM Medical Nutrition Therapy Recommendations (PDF)

Monitoring, Evaluating and Auditing Guideline

Practitioners are encouraged to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of EBNPG. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers members the opportunity to document outcomes on their online platform ANDHII, and/or join the Nutrition Research Network for inclusion in research studies such as those that evaluate the effectiveness of EBNPG.  

To evaluate the effectiveness of evidence-based nutrition practice guidelines, dietitians and other health care practitioners are encouraged to utilize strategies promoted within the field of implementation science. These include but are not limited to:

  • Assessment of the guideline (clarity, quality, acceptability, complexity, sustainability).
  • Prioritize implementation of 1–2 recommendations based on assessment of the guideline.
  • Form an implementation team.
  • Develop an implementation plan with identification of barriers and strategies:
    • Develop an evaluation plan.
    • Identify measurable implementation as well as health outcomes.
    • Utilize Nutrition Research Network Resources.
    • Utilize the Academy’s ANDHII data collection platform.  
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