AWM: Interventions in Primary Care or Outpatient Settings (2020-21)

Author and Year:
de Vos B, Runhaar, et al, 2013
PubMed ID:
Article Title:
Effectiveness of a tailor-made weight loss intervention in primary care.
de Vos B, Runhaar J, Bierma-Zeinstra S
European Journal of Nutrition
Year of publication:
Page numbers:
Study Design:
Randomized Controlled Trial
Risk of Bias Assessment Rating:
Some concerns
Inclusion Criteria:
Female gender, age 50–60 years, overweight (BMI >= 27), free of knee osteoarthritis according to the ACR criteria, free of contraindications to MRI, free of rheumatic diseases and not using oral glucosamine during the past 6 months.
Exclusion Criteria:
Already consulted a physician, a physical therapist or an alternative health provider for knee pain possibly indicating osteoarthritis of the knee, presence of radiologic signs indicating knee osteoarthritis (Kellgren- Lawrence index of 2 or more), not being able to communicate in the Dutch language and presence of severely disabling comorbidity.
Research Purpose:
To analyse whether a tailor-made weight loss intervention with diet and exercise, based on motivational interviewing, would be effective in achieving >=5 kg or 5 % of baseline body weight in a group of overweight women in a primary care setting.
Blinding efforts:
The PROOF study was open labelled for the tailor-made intervention to reduce weight, and double blinded for the intervention with crystalline glucosamine sulphate (1:1 block randomization within both interventions, using block size 20).
Study Location:
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Source(s) of Funding:
Please specify names of funders:
ZonMw, Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development