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CKD: Dissemination and Implementation of the Guideline (2020)

CKD: Dissemination and Implementation of the Guideline (2020)

Dissemination and implementation of guidelines is very important for the Academy. Dissemination focuses on spreading the knowledge and information of these guidelines via various means. Implementation, on the other hand, tries to integrate the evidence-based interventions into practice and studies the barriers and facilitators that can influence the effectiveness of these evidence-based interventions.

The publication of this guideline is an integral part of the plans for disseminating the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics evidence-based recommendation on Chronic Kidney Disease to all dietetics practitioners engaged in, teaching about or researching CKD, as quickly as possible. Sessions have been held during  Academy Food Nutrition Conference Expo (FNCE) meetings and NKF Spring Clinical meetings.

Dissemination of the CKD Guideline will be achieved by announcement at professional events, presentations and training. Some strategies include:

  • National and local events: State dietetic association meetings and media coverage will help launch the guideline. Local feedback adaptation: Presentation by members of the work group at peer review meetings and opportunities for CEUs for courses will be provided.
  • Education initiatives: The guideline and supplementary resources will be freely available for use in the education and training of dietetic interns and students in approved Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) programs.

Specific distribution strategies include:

  • Publication in full: The guideline will be available electronically at the Academy Evidence Analysis Library website (www.andeal.org) and will be announced to all the dietetic practice groups. The Academy Evidence Analysis Library will also provide downloadable supporting information.
  • Scientific publication: The guideline is available online at American Journal of Kidney Disease September 2020.
  • The Guideline Executive Summary is available in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics November 2020.
  • EAL Chronic Kidney Disease Guideline Presentation (PPT): A 114-slide PowerPoint presentation includes the recommendations and ratings for the 2020 CKD Guideline. Ideal for meetings, in-service presentations and classes. This product is not designed for the consumer. Download for free. 
  • Webinar series: The Evidence Analysis Center, in collaboration with the National Kidney Foundation, develop a webinar series based on these guidelines to educate and help provide guidance on implementation to practitioners. Learn more ...

The Academy's research team is conducting an implementation study to examine the impact of guideline implementation of this CKD (2020) evidence-based nutrition practice guideline at dialysis centers. 

  • Speakers Guide - 6 ready-to-use slide decks. Ideal for in-service training as well as professional meeting presentations. Learn more ...


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