• Assessment
    In non-obese and obese individuals, what are the energy measurement differences between measurements performed on the same individual over various time periods assuming resting conditions and control for diet-induced thermogenesis, physical activity and body composition are followed?
    • Conclusion

      One study of neutral quality rating (Adriaens, 2003) taking 3 bi-weekly RMR measures in 19 adults (11 women and 8 men, age range 16-33 years) reports an intra individual coefficient of variation (CV) range from 0.4-7.2% after eliminating subjects who have broken fasting protocol requirements and 5 measures of significant within-machine variability. Another study of neutral quality rating (subanalysis in Goran, 1993) taking 3-monthly RMR measures in 18 men (assuming normal distribution, 18-28 years) have an intra-individual CV from 0.7 to 8.0% with individual monthly RMR differences ranging from 0 to 248 kcals/day. In 19 women (19-35 years; and that participated in 12 RMR measures during their menstrual cycle) (Henry, 2004), intra-individual CV ranged from 1.7-10.4% and the individual difference between the highest and lowest RMR measure ranged from 63-310 kcals/day; group mean RMR (kcals)/ body weight (kg )/day was similar (1.7-10.5%).

    • Grade: III
      • Grade I means there is Good/Strong evidence supporting the statement;
      • Grade II is Fair;
      • Grade III is Limited/Weak;
      • Grade IV is Expert Opinion Only;
      • Grade V is Not Assignable.
      • High (A) means we are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect;
      • Moderate (B) means we are moderately confident in the effect estimate;
      • Low (C) means our confidence in the effect estimate is limited;
      • Very Low (D) means we have very little confidence in the effect estimate.
      • Ungraded means a grade is not assignable.
    In non-obese and obese, what are the group mean energy measurement differences between measurements performed on the same individual over various time periods assuming resting conditions and control for diet-induced thermogenesis, physical activity and body composition are followed?
    • Conclusion

      Five studies of neutral quality rating (Adriaens, 2003, Fredrix, 1990, Goran, 1993, Short, Wiest, Sedlock, 1996, and Visser, 1995) and representing data from 220 non-obese and obese adults (16-32 and 56-79 years and BMI range 19-42 kg/m2) report that two or three RMR measures taken two days, one or two weeks, or 5 months apart result in a group mean intra-individual CV between 3.3 to 7.8% and represent individuals who moderately exercise or are sedentary.

    • Grade: I
      • Grade I means there is Good/Strong evidence supporting the statement;
      • Grade II is Fair;
      • Grade III is Limited/Weak;
      • Grade IV is Expert Opinion Only;
      • Grade V is Not Assignable.
      • High (A) means we are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect;
      • Moderate (B) means we are moderately confident in the effect estimate;
      • Low (C) means our confidence in the effect estimate is limited;
      • Very Low (D) means we have very little confidence in the effect estimate.
      • Ungraded means a grade is not assignable.