DLM-SF: Reduction and Replacement of Saturated Fat Intake and Blood Lipids Summary Table (2021)

DLM-SF: Reduction and Replacement of Saturated Fat Intake and Blood Lipids Summary Table (2021)

The following tables are a visual representation of evidence from an overview of systematic reviews. Table 1 includes evidence on the effect of reduction and replacement of saturated fat intake on blood lipids. Table 2 includes evidence on the association of the replacement of saturated fat intake with polyunsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat, carbohydrates or protein with morbidities and mortality. Additional information can be found on the Replacement of Saturated Fat Systematic Review page.

Table 1. Reduction and Replacement of Saturated Fat Intake with Polyunsaturated Fat, Monounsaturated Fat, or Carbohydrate and Impact on Blood Lipids Evidence Summary  Table

Systematic Review Outcomes [(mean difference-mmol/L) or % reduction*, 95% CI]
 Total SFA Intake  TC  LDL-C  HDL-C  TG
 Reduction vs. Usual diet: Hooper et al 2020*  -0.24 (-0.36, -0.13)  -0.19 (-0.33, -0.05)  - 0.01 (-0.02, 0.01)  -0.08 (-0.21, 0.04)
 Reduction: Harcombe et al 2015*  -12.6% (6.7%) vs 
 -6.5% (5.1%) (p<.05)
 Replacement-PUFA: Mensink 2016*  -0.064 (-0.070, -0.058)  -0.055 (-0.061, -0.050)  -0.05 (-0.006, -0.003)  -0.010 (-0.014, -0.007)
 Replacement-PUFA: Hooper et al 2020*  -0.28 (-0.37, -0.19)  Not estimable  -0.01 (-0.04, 0.02)  -0.16 (-0.30, -0.01)
 Replacement-PUFA: Ramsden et al 2016*+  -13.8% vs -1.0% (p<0.001)      
 Replacement-MUFA: Mensink 2016*  -0.046 (-0.051, -0.040)  -0.042 (-0.047, -0037)  -0.002 (-0.004, -0.000)  -0.004  (-0.007, -0.001)
 Replacement-MUFA: Hooper et al 2020*  0.30 (-0.93, 153)  Not estimable   Not estimable  Not estimable
 Replacement-CHO: Mensink 2016*  -0.041 (-0.047, -0.035)  - 0.033 (-0.039, -0.027)  -0.010 (-0.012, -0.008)  0.011 (0.007, 0.014)
 Replacement-CHO: Hooper et al 2020*  -0.19 (-0.40,0.01)  -0.16 (-0.35, 0.02)  -0.01 (-0.03, 0.00) -0.04 (-0.32, 0.25)
L=liter; CI=confidence interval; TC=total cholesterol; LDL-C=low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C=high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG=triglycerides; PUFA=polyunsaturated fatty acids; MUFA=monounsaturated fatty acids; CHO=carbohydrates; vs (versus)
Blue=not significant; Green=improved; Grey=not reported
*Certainty of evidence not available due to inability to access analysis / +Percent reduction in saturated fat group compared to replacement nutrient


Table 2. Replacement of Saturated Fat Intake with Polyunsaturated Fat, Carbohydrates or Protein and Association with Morbidities and Mortality Evidence Summary  Table

Systematic Review Outcomes
Replacement of SFA with: All-cause mortality Relative Risk, 95%CI CVD mortality Relative Risk, 95% CI CVD events Relative Risk, 95%CI

 CHD mortality Relative Risk,
 95% CI

CHD events, Relative Risk, 95% CI  Cerebral vascular accident Relative Risk, 95% CI
 PUFA  Hooper et al 2020*  0.97 (0.82, 1.14)  0.97 (0.73, 1.28)  0.73 (0.58, 0.92)  0.98 (0.74, 1.28)  0.79 (0.60, 1.04)  0.92 (0.31, 2.69)
   Hamley 2017* (adequately controlled analysis)  1.07 (0.90, 1.26)  NR NR  1.13 (0.91, 1.40)  1.02 (0.84, 1.23) NR
   Ramsden et al 2016*  1.07 (0.90,127)  NR NR  1.13 (0.83, 1.54)  NR NR
 MUFA  Hooper et al 2020*  3.00 (0.33, 26.99)  3.00 (0.33, 26.99)  1.00 (0.53,1.89)  3.99 (0.33, 26.99)  1.50 (0.62, 3.61)  Not estimable
 CHO  Hooper et al 2020*  0.97 (0.90, 1.04)  0.78 (0.42, 1.46)  0.84 (0.67, 1.06) 0.99 (0.82, 1.20)  0.82 (0.39, 1.72)  0.73 (0.29,1.87
 Protein  Hooper et al 2020*  Not estimable  Not estimable  Not estimable  Not estimable  Not estimable  Not estimable
SFA=saturated fatty acid; PUFA=polyunsaturated fatty acid; MUFA=monounsaturated fatty acid; CHO=carbohydrate; CVD=cardiovascular disease; 
CHA=coronary heart disease
 NR=not report; Blue=no effect; Green=decreased; Grey=not reported / *Certainty of evidence ot available due to inability to access analysis